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The Guild. [ Open ]

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:33 am
by lolternative
The Guild

A clearing in the middle of some tall trees, stones pressed into the earth to keep the weeds at bay. There's bark of varying sizes in neat piles and smooth stones sectioning off varying areas. Other miscellaneous findings are stored carefully. If you're lucky to catch him while he's tending to the tribe grounds, Bash will welcome you warmly, with offers of food and drink.

"Welcome, friend. What troubles have you brought for The Guild to solve?"

Welcome to The Guild - whether you are interested in joining or in need of assistance, everyone is welcome provided you come peacefully. No task is too small or too great - The Guild will do their best to offer their assistance, so long as your request does not break any part of their code of honour. Perhaps a caiman has moved into your territory and needs to be evicted. Or maybe someone stole your favourite shell. We're here to help.

[ insert drawing here ]

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:53 am
by lolternative
Code of Honour

Do no harm unto others unless they have first done harm.
Protect the weak and defenseless.
Live by honour and for glory.
Follow orders of your superiors unless they would see you break one of the codes.
Guard the honour of your fellow members.
At all times speak truly and freely.
Complete any job you take.
Never refuse a challenge from an equal.
Never turn your back on a foe.
No request is too big or too small.

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:55 am
by lolternative
Rank System
Ranks are taken seriously among the members and respect must be given to those of a higher rank above you. Unless they would break The Code, orders given from a higher ranked member should be followed. That being said, it is frowned upon to abuse your rank and the power / status that comes with it and you may find yourself demoted should you behave improperly.

Guild Leader
The current leader of the Guild. Currently, it is the founder, Bash. He is in charge of assigning jobs/quests and maintaining order in the Guild. Sometimes he will partake in quests, but he typically sticks to managing the members, training apprentices and dealing with any issues that may arise.
[ Job ]
[ Lorekeeper ]
[ Exp ]
[ 0 / 50 ]
[ Stats ]
[ Strength: 6 ] [ Wisdom: 5 ] [ Speed: 5 ] [ Luck: 3 ] [ Charisma: 2 ]
Guild Commander
The second in command. Typically deals with issues that don't require Bash's immediate attention. This role is assigned by Bash and may not be challenged - though Bash may re-assign the role if he believes the current holder is not performing their duties.
Exalted members are among the strongest members of the guild. Exalted status is not permanent and the top 5 can be overtaken at any point. To overtake an Exalted, you must reach their level and challenge them. This does not necessarily have to be a duel - it can be any kind of task the challenger believes shows their skill and ability within the guild.
Members who have reached level 5. These members have worked hard to establish their place in the Guild. They may undertake quests and jobs solo if they like, however, each is encouraged to mentor an apprentice.
New members! All apprentices must be accompanied by an experienced member of the guild on any quests they partake in. We don't want any mishaps or misfortune befalling you!
Non-members who offer assistance to members of the guild.

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:56 am
by lolternative
Running the Guild takes more than just completing quests and all members must take on a secondary role within the Guild to ensure things run smoothly. You may choose from the list below or propose a job specifically suited for your kin.

Tasked to bring back supplies (not exclusively food) that are useful to the tribe.

A hunter's role is to bring back meat for food as well as byproducts of said hunting ( pelts, bones, feathers etc )

Healer's use their vast knowledge of herbs, ailments and the like to mend any injuries or sicknesses any Guildmembers may be suffering.

Craft various items useful to the Guild.

Keepers of stories and lore important to the Guild.

Venture far to Scout dangers and potential quests.

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:56 am
by lolternative
Stats and Levels

Each member has their skills assessed when they join the guild. Members are assessed on the following traits:

strength; wisdom; speed; luck; charisma.

When you first join the guild, you must roll 5d5 to determine your stat points. You may assign them however you like. Stats will play an important part in Quest and Tribe!meta mechanics.

In addition to stats, The Guild operates using a 'level' system. The levels determine ranks and what quests members can undertake. Guildmembers are rewarded experience points for each task they complete and Bash may reward extra points if he believes they are deserving of them. All members start at level 1.

It takes 50 EXP to reach a new level and each level gives you 3 stat points to assign as you please with every 5 levels giving a bonus 2 (5 total).

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:56 am
by lolternative
Quest Board

Here Bash will posts jobs that need claiming. Each job will have a task to complete and will grant EXP points and may have bonus rewards. Some quests may be repeatable (by different kin, not the same kin) while others may be first come, first served. To claim a non-repeatable quest, please post the quest start form. To turn in a quest, post the quest turn-in form so your EXP can be updated.
Stock the Stores
Level requirement: 1
Quest type: Repeatable
Task: While The Guild is in its beginning stages, we must stock up on supplies to make sure we're prepared for the tasks ahead. Guildmaster Bash has asked you to bring him supplies. It is up to you what you decide to bring; if it is particularly useful, Bash may be more generous with his reward.
Mechanic: No mechanics, simply post in thread with your offering to Bash. No need to complete the quest complete form for this quest as posting in the thread is auto-completion.
Reward: 10 EXP upon completion of task. Bonus +1 if you interact with Bash (quote me!) and bonus +?? if Bash likes what you've brought.
Quest Start:

Code: Select all

[b]Quest Name:[/b]
[b]Member Name:[/b]
Quest Complete:

Code: Select all

[b]Quest Name:[/b]
[b]Member Name:[/b]
[b]Link to RP:[/b]
[b]If stats were rewarded, where would you like to assign them?[/b]

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:57 am
by lolternative
Guild History

Important happenings within the Guild.

21st November 2019 The Guild is created and open for new recruits.

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:57 am
by lolternative
[center]How to Join

To join, post the following form to request a meeting with Bash!

Code: Select all

[b]Your kin:[/b] Link to their page, please!
[b]Reason for Joining:[/b] Your kin's reason for joining! <3
[b]Proposed Job:[/b] You may select from the list or propose your own. 
[b]Your Stats:[/b] Don't forgot to roll 5d5 and assign your stats!
[b]Short IC post presenting your application:[/b] Post an RP response for Bash to react to. <3

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:57 am
by lolternative

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 3:09 am
by lolternative

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:52 am
by lolternative

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:52 am
by lolternative

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:52 am
by lolternative

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:53 am
by lolternative

Re: The Guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:54 am
by lolternative