SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by lolternative »

- 1-6: verdant green
The sun was warm upon their backs when they woke up. For a split second, both does had forgotten the events of the night before. Then Blooming's eyes shot open and she shifted a little to look at where the egg had been resting. It was gone! The patch of grass it had been laying on was empty. She squinted for a moment - strange that the grass had been left untainted by the storm's mud and water. Stranger still, the grass seemed to be breathing; a nice, steady rhythm.

"Sap," Blooming whispered.

"I see it," came the response.

The grass rolled over and stretched out and both does let out sighs of relief as they realised what had occurred. The egg had hatched! Staring up at Blooming, the salamander blinked once then rolled forward, the smell of spring and summer grass wafting in the air. It settled at her feet and then went back to sleep.

Sap yawned and settled back down to rest herself, eyes closing. "It's got the right idea. Let's go back to sleep for a little bit longer," she opened one eye and looked at Blooming with a smirk before adding. "You're it's mother now, you know."

Blooming looked down at the salamander with a smile - yes, she supposed she was and it would make a wonderful addition to her gardens - but first they had to make it home. And think of a name.
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by SilverShieldwolf »

Image Frozen looked at the small egg sac she found. The doe nudged it, feeling something kinda poke back at her. "Oh my. What to do with you?" This was not something she was use to. Most sacs she seen were from kin babies, not any of the critters they had running around. Taking a deep breath to calm her mind, Frozen started gathering bits of the swamp around her. Some moss and bark to keep the egg comfortable, warm and protected seemed like the best way to start. Her tail flicked as she thought of where to carry the egg filled bark to keep it dry also, it is a swamp she lives in, which keeping things dry tends to be hard, even in the hot season. "I know where to take you!"

A flick of her head to get the braid to the other side, the blue doe picked up the carrier and made their way to the area where the desert and swamp started to meet. It was the driest place she could think of and should be good for the egg. Frozen didn't even know what kind of critter would hatch from the egg and was just going on instinct to bring it to what she thought was a better area to hatch it. Along the way, she would set it down to gather some food for her to eat. She did not plan on leaving the egg alone, not once she put a plan into motion, her mind was set. "It seems we will be getting to know each other, now. I hope you stick around with me, as I am a little lonely." She wouldn't have admitted that to any other kin, including her own children that were running about, but an egg that can't talk, that was something different.

Arriving at the edge of the swamp and desert, Frozen found shelter under a tree that gave her enough room to stand up, suddenly if need be, and the best view of everything around her. Putting the bark and moss down in the corner of logs, she settled down to watch over.
Warm and Dry biome
[357 words]
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by SilverShieldwolf »

Frozen did her best to not roll onto the egg while she laid under the cooler shade. At one point she even dug a bit in the dirt to get the damper ground underneath.
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by SilverShieldwolf »

24: When the light hits just so, you see something moving under the slightly-translucent skin of the egg.
23: To help your egg grow, you sing it a quiet song, and imagine that it responds.
16: Howling winds blow through your nest and keep knocking your egg out of place.
10: A sudden downpour causes you lose your grip on the leaf bundle the egg is in; it starts to roll away down the hill.
14: A band of misfits wants to see the egg and are ready to rumble.
Frozen was just starting to doze as the light was settling down, when she caught sight of something in the egg. "So you were what was poking me back!" She settled her head down closer to egg, keeping her eye on the movement in the egg. Something seemed different, like there might be more then one critter inside. A small smile appeared, twins perhaps, she wouldn't know with them though.

To settle the critters in the egg, the doe started to sing a soft lullaby that she remembers from being a foal. Really it just sounds like the wind blowing through the trees, but it was calming to her when she was little. And still calms her when life gets a bit out of control for her. With her eyes closed, she feels like the egg is listening intently for either it to end or to fall asleep. Which it does cause Frozen to slowly doze off.

She must have been sleeping deeply when the winds blow in. This is not the calming winds of her memories and "THE EGG!" It wasn't near her nose. Oh no, where did it go to? She looked for it, but her braid kept getting in the way when she would turn. Standing up, she moved the dirt under her, not wanting to use her hooves in case she stepped on it. A little to the right and she felt something push against her. Nudging with her nose, she felt the familiar egg shape and some moss that stayed attached to it. Gripping it gently, Frozen put it back in the bark and started to look for a better place to rest with it. Probably not the greatest idea to move it, but she needed a better area to keep the egg safe.

Apparently the wind brought in a storm, causing her to drop the bark. Thankfully the egg was wrapped nicely with the moss, so protected from the drop. She started to feel defeated, like nothing was going right with how everything was going. Now the egg was going down a hill, Frozen was close to letting it go, but with a wild cry, she raced after it. It was not going to end like this. She was not going to give up on the egg and all she had done so far to see it hatch. Before it got to the bottom of the hill, she caught it up and put teeth marks in the bark to keep it in her mouth.

With her head down, determined to keep the egg safe, she heard the noises of misfits getting close. "Not today!" Her eyes were wild looking, hair all blown about as she stared down the group. She looked like she had been trampled already and was ready to keep any and everything away from the egg. Setting the bark down, Frozen let out a bellow and charged after the misfits. "GET OUT OF HERE!" Protective overdrive was going on for her and she was having none of it. With the misfits scattered, she went back to pick up the bark and curled against a tree to get some rest as the sun slowly started to rise.

[wc 535]
85-99: Not bad at all! 2 salamanders emerge.
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by SilverShieldwolf »

Upon waking from the short nap, Frozen was being nudged in two areas. Bleary eyed, she thought she just was laying in bad position. Though her foggy mind was able to realize that branches do not pull away gently and poke back in the same exact spot numerous times. "Oh..Oh there were two of you in there!" Cleaning the junk from her eyes, the doe tried to figure out what she would be doing with two salamanders.
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by SilverShieldwolf »

Frozen looked at the two, red and yellow fire. "Well not a complete surprise there were two of you." The question is what to do with them. She figured she would see if the red fire would follow her, sometimes it was nice to have things warmed up.
If you placed your egg in a warm and dry area to hatch, you will produce a Fire Salamander.
Roll 1d10 for every salamander you hatched
Your roll will correspond with the color of your salamander(s):
- 1-4: yellow fire
- 5-7: red fire
[total wc 1,049]

fluo note at 8/24- only red fire salamander has been claimed here
salamander egg removed for cert 1 (Heat), post can still be linked to for 2nd salamander certing without another egg needed - M
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

From time to time, there was a certain salamander that occupied Real Big Fish’s mind. It wasn’t real, probably. She’d met it in a dream, a very important dream. She’d acknowledged its place in the balance of life, and then saved it anyways to protect that same balance. It had been a good time spent with the little animal.

Lately her dreams were violent. She saw her shape twisted again and again, faced with monsters the likes of which she didn’t think she ever could come across. It would be nice to have a token of a good dream. So when she found the egg, she thought that perhaps once again, this was a fated meeting. She would tend it, protect it, and help it to hatch.

She’d found the egg, shining and slick, tucked away behind a bit of eroded stone along the edge of a creek bed. The moving water kept it cool, and she thought about moving it somewhere warmer. A salamander kept warm and wet would be a good swimmer… but the salamander she’d known, the salamander who had led her had been one of the green ones that moved with the grass and the ferns and the algae.

Even though it wouldn’t be the same salamander, she missed that in her life.

She wanted to protect the egg, but decided against stacking rocks in the stream to fortify the walls. This could damage creatures under the rocks that needed them for shelter, like minnows and the young fish of larger species. Rock cairns were handy navigational tools, but they could mean death for the fragile ecosystem of a creek. And besides, there were more effective ways to keep the egg safe. Instead of building a stone wall, she’d use bark to make a wall that still let water flow through. That way the egg would stay both safe and cool.

She took two pieces of bark and set them end to end in front of the opening, leaving a small gap between them. Then she took two more similarly sized pieces of bark and set them parallel to the first two, one in front and one behind, centered around the gap. Nothing big enough to harm the egg could slip through, and while this did serve as a bit of a baffle for the waterflow, it wasn’t enough to stop it. Now the only thing left to do was settle in, which she did quite comfortably on the creek bank. She could see the opening with the egg just beneath her, and more importantly she could watch the water on either side. If anything was going to get at her egg, she would stop it.

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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

No sooner than Fish had settled in to watch the egg, the sky grew dark. Clouds gathered ominously, and Fish looked up with a sigh. There was a sudden storm moving in. It wouldn’t really bother her- the weather never did- but if the rain cooled the creek down further, would that put the egg at risk?

The skies opened up just… about… then and suddenly Fish was a very, very wet Fish indeed. She debated getting into the water, where at least the rain wouldn’t be pelting her, but the ear-splitting boom of thunder kept her on dry land. Well. Wet land. This storm was a nasty one, and getting in the water and risking shock… well, that wasn’t worth it at all. She did concede to moving down to a high spot in the creek bed, so that she could have a better view of the water level. This high pile of stones, pushed there by water, was an ideal place to stand. If the water kept rising, she could easily grab the egg and leap out of the creekbed before it was swept away. If only her fur wasn’t getting into her eyes. That was one of the worst parts of a rainstorm, when the fur between your eyes and your armor got wet and dripped down and you couldn’t see anything. It was times like these where she wished she could take her armor off-

Wait, what was she doing? She could take her armor off! With a sly glance at the sky, she slipped into her shuppy shape. There!

The sky responded with a bolt of lightning so near, she yelped in alarm. The shuppy’s shape came with advantages, yes, but it also meant that shared some of its thoughts and instincts. And shuppies weren’t known for handling thunderstorms.

The lightning seemed to shake a bunch of creatures loose. Shuppy-Fish watched in awe as a cloud of jellyfish drifted through the air, occasionally touching water. Their stings sounded like tiny claps of lightning on an etherial scale. One drifted closer and closer, and she watched it loom and dazzle. It was a truly beautiful thing… even if it did sting her right on the snout before drifting off. She wondered if jellyfish thought. Could they? Perhaps one day she could borrow their shape.

The rain continued to fall as the thunder sounded seemingly more distant. As the day went on, other noises came down the creek, echoing off the mud-canyon walls. Sometime before nightfall, chattering and gallivanting, a quintet of furbodies came closer and closer. With shark eyes, she watched them with interest. Perhaps she could chase them? Or perhaps… no, perhaps she MUST chase them. They wanted her egg! With a snarl, she leaped at the pack, scattering it. She had their attention now, and they turned their eyes to her. She didn’t understand furbodies, either. They were fun, kind of horrible, and yet… there was just something so unknowable about them. Where had they come from? What… role did they play in the environment, exactly? She wasn’t really sure. There were some things beyond even her ken. She thought to Albatross, her friend who had more of them than she knew what to do with. Perhaps her gift from the Motherfather would tell her what exactly was the purpose of a furbody. As she chased them back out of the creekbed, she found herself panting a little. How long had she been up, weathering this storm? The shuppy’s love of digging swam into her mind, and she found herself digging a shallow depression, just big enough to lie down in. Surely she could watch the egg from here? The mound was high enough that the water wasn’t going to get up there any time soon…

When she opened her eyes again, something was wrong. She’d drifted back into her kin shape, and the water wasn’t rising and- the egg! Something had pulled away the outer wall, and she saw a twinned tail disappear behind a fallen log. Flox! She bellowed and clambered to her feet. How could she doze off like that? Now some varmint was going to eat her egg! She could hear the creature chirp as another of its kind joined it. They seemed to be squabbling over the egg, and that was advantageous- it meant she could leap in and send them flying. In the chaos, the egg rolled into a pitcher plant and she had to scoop it out, gently rolling it to clean it of dead bug residue.

She stayed awake the rest of the night, the storm never abating. The air was cold and wet enough that she’d removed the egg from the indentation and brought it to the stone mound. With a hoof, she dug it its own depression to lay in as she guarded it. Thoroughly drenched to the bone, she watched the egg intently for signs of life. Something was moving inside, she thought.

The rain intensified, and soon the thunder started up once more. The sun was coming up, but it didn’t make much of a difference under the thick cloud cover. She made a protective barrier with a cocked foreleg- even though the thunder probably wasn’t bothering the egg, she still felt a need to protect it. Same as she’d done for her acha children. They’d been in eggs, too.

Another bolt of lightning, this one bigger and closer. The purple smell of ozone hung in the air, and Fish laughed. “And they say lightning never strikes twice. What is about this spot, Egg? Are you drawing the lightning?” The egg, of course, did not answer, and Fish sat with it in companionable silence…

Until the clouds broke. Long shafts of light came down, setting off a million tiny rainbows as they streamed through water droplets left on leaves and on the grass. There’d be a big rainbow, no doubt about it, that she’d be able to see once she left the creek.

The clouds shifted just a little, and one shaft of light touched the egg, lighting it with a warm, life-drenched glow. The creature inside was emerging!
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Rolling again!
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

And there it was! The creature from her dream, or a version of it anyways. She wouldn’t let her expectations weigh heavy on the little dear. It looked at her, eyes full of wonder, and made a tiny squeak.

“Been waiting for you,” Fish said, beaming down at it. She lowered her head to let the animal, so wet and so grassy, clamber up onto her horns. “I don’t know if you know me, but I knew someone like you once. They took me to some strange, new, wonderful places. Now I’ll do the same for you.”

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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Lirilei »

Image Bitter Leaf Water had been wandering around the Mothborn lands, searching for the various plants and flora he knew would be helpful for the healers who needed to administer the things he was bringing back, and would carefully prepare. He had a variety of things, mushrooms, berries, bark from trees, all carefully sorted into the tortoise shell he used to hold it all.

It was as he used the tip of his tail to carefully move some deadfall away in hopes of a certain type of mushroom that he spotted it. The near white, transparent gooey egg standing out around the mushrooms he'd been searching for. Taking a moment, he carefully collected those, before he looked around for a large leaf to move the egg onto. With a little work he got the egg on the leaf, and he slowly dragged it back, his shell nearly brushing the top of it time and again as he walked. Thankfully the vines used to secure it around his neck were just short enough it remained safe from him.

Bitter didn't think about taking it to the family nest, he didn't want to risk anyone accidentally kicking it, or one of the many pets that came and went to try harming it. He found an out of the way area in the crest however, and began to carefully construct a nest. He set it up in a warm spot, and quickly dashing toward one of the fires, came back and set up a small one near where he planned to keep the egg and keep watch over it.

That done, he set up a small area to be able to sleep, and he settled in. His shell of things could hold for the most part, though a few he laid out near the fire as well to start drying. It would make life easier the next day.
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Lirilei »

2. A cute mongoose offers you a gleaming apple while its friend tries to steal your egg.
16. Howling winds blow through your nest and keep knocking your egg out of place.
13. You eat a strange mushroom and lose track of some time.
21. Not too far away, you find some additional supplies to more comfortably protect your egg.
22. Just at the edges of your chosen nest, you find some delicious berries to help keep your stomach from grumbling.
He was settled in, watching the egg as the fire crackled steadily, and he glanced up. The sun was setting, and he hadn't thought to grab any food. It was too late now, he wasn't going to wander and leave the egg. Instead he focused on the grasses and leaves he was trying to dry some, eyeing a mushroom he wasn't too familiar with, and he took a slight lick of it to test it. After awhile of nothing negative, he took a small test bite, before he ate the rest.

When Bitter zoned back in it was dark, and the sounds of the animals of the cres could be heard. Crickets chirped, owls hooted, and he wondered how much time had passed. Looking at the fire, a lot, and he added a little bit of kindling to it. As he settled his stomach growled and he felt hungrier than usual. Had the mushroom had something to do with it? He ignored his hunger for awhile, though he noticed after a time a mongoose with an apple, and it was rolling it toward him. He rose to his hooves, hoping not to scare it off, and just as he was about to bite into it, noticed another one trying to take his egg!

He chomped it down in one bite before slapping at the second mongoose with his tail, sending it flying away and he made a noise of annoyance as he resettled. At least he wasn't as hungry! Hours passed and the wind started to pick up, and the egg started to wobble out of place. More than once he had to chase it down, though it was a fortunate thing. One time he found a bush with his favorite berries and made short work of eating once the egg was resettled. The second time, close to dawn, he found more things he could use to keep his egg steadier, safer. He piled some leaves around it, and built the fire up just a little bit more.

Things seemed to grow quieter, though he kept a sharp eye out for those mongoose to come back. Still, as it grew quieter, he ended up dozing off around mid-day. After a short nap he woke up, to find the fire about out, and the salamader egg cracking open! He watched in amazement at the salamander slowly emerging from the egg, wondering just what kind it would be.
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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by Lirilei »

"A fire salamander...this will be very helpful!" he was already envisioning the ways that gathering mushrooms and herbs would be able to be prolonged with a salamander companion. How things could be dried immediately. He was beaming at the little yellow lizard, excited to show his family what he'd found! It was certainly going to be very helpful!

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Re: SALAMANDER HATCHING -- New Salamander Acquisition Thread

Post by lolternative »

[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft]Honours the Dead was staying away from bodies of water for the time being - it was the perfect temperature for mosquitoes and he didn't particularly feel like itching for the rest of the day. The sun beamed down upon him and he trudged along the hard earth, knowing that eventually (soon) he would need to find a source of water to drink.  The totoma inhaled deeply, turning to start in the direction he was certain would lead to a stream. As he scanned, he noticed the egg and approached it cautiously. He had heard of the eggs many times, many kin sought them out for their useful abilities - he would be lying if he had not considered how much easier it would be to light pyres for the dead, rather than burying them. Water would have to wait until the egg hatched. He nudged it gently so he could at least watch it while in the shade of a tree and he took a seat next to it, settling in to see what kind of salamander would emerge...
Last edited by lolternative on Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 189
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