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Weeping Cherry

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 1:17 pm
by Jun
WEEPING CHERRY :: 05.03.2021 [ buck ]

Unlike his namesake, Weeping Cherry only laughs. Intimately acquainted with transience, he knows better than to waste his time lamenting it. An excellent host, a bon vivant.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Thyme x Stonecrop [ Rock of Ages :: Weeping Cherry | Bloodroot | Ghost Lily ]

RP LOGS :: Weeping Cherry [ naming dream ]

...-... - ...

NOTES :: We've been talking about Stonecrop and Thyme ever since we got them, so Maxx hurled them with great force into his boxpile.


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:37 pm
by Jun
WEAL :: 10.03.2021 [ buck ]

Weal's naming dream was from the perspective of one of the many animals his father skins to make hides of. Thus, he has a unique connection with most animals, allowing him the best ways to befriend them, nurture them, kill them, and skin them for his father to make hides of.

Very kind.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Saltbloom x Rawhide [ Self-preservation :: Weal | Appear | Lifelike | Eviscerate ]

Offspring ::
x Throat [ Cutthroat (Mock) :: Foul | Maw | Mothbite ]

RP LOGS :: Weal [ naming dream ]

...-... - ...

NOTES :: Ruri won an unedited breeding from the Seven Sins tribe event and chose to do this pair. QAQ<3


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:37 pm
by Jun
SUMMERWING :: 13.03.2021 [ buck ]

Once warmer weather comes around, and petals start unfurling, you may observe Summerwing flitting from bloom to bloom like a busy bee - or a beautiful butterfly. Yes. He is manually pollinating the flowers. You can't just trust an insect to do these things - they can't select the brightest and hardiest of the blossoms to propagate unto the next season, the correct experimentation with different strains to create new colours variants, they don't know any of these things! Summerwing, however, does, and Summerwing will do all this - just so he can have the most ravishing blooms to fashion and fasten and weave into delicate accessories, and around the Flowerlock Friends' hard work. Yeah, he's pretty intense about his job.

Summerwing is a reasonable, well-adjusted, good-natured, and gracious Kin. Until you get onto the subject of his work. Then he becomes a raging maniacal perfectionist full of theories and methods and paranoia and jealousy. Luckily, he doesn't often get onto the subject of his work, because that would be "giving away trade secrets" - but if you happen to mention taking a few blooms from his cultivations, he may or may not be found huddled over his flowers, hissing, "My precioussss..." It's just a possibility.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Lyric x Like a Feather [ Lyric Feather :: Summerwing | Best Kept | Spiral Shell ]

Offspring ::
x Camellia Sweet [ Summersweet :: Landing | Explore | Visit | Contact ]

RP LOGS :: Summerwing [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: Character concept win from the Flowerlock Friends Opening Recruitment Fair. I just really…I mean…he looks just like a Flutter Phony…


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:39 pm
by Jun
FREEFALLING :: 22.04.2021 [ doe ]

If she could just keep one thing in her life under control…

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Hummingbird x Crushing Lies [ Crushed Bird :: Flight of Feathers | Featherdown | Freefalling | Nightjar ]

RP LOGS :: Freefalling [ naming dream ]

...and the good girls are home with broken hearts... - Free Fallin'

NOTES :: Dawns and Ami offered her to me and I just couldn't resist. QAQ<3 Pank and praple phony baby...


Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 7:11 pm
by Jun
FLAXFAIR :: 04.05.2021 [ buck ]

Just a normal gooseherd, tending his flock in fields of flax, unfurling his curls and singing about lost kingdoms…

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Cinder's Light x Prentender [ Will o' Wisp :: Shadow's Bane | Flaxfair - Fairest Gift | Second Sister | Sing Sweet Nightingale ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Pale Rook | Spurn | Evenstar | Living Lies | My Ideals ]
[ Dark Rook - Goldeneye | Worth the Waking | Mallard | Snowy Egret ]

RP LOGS :: Flaxfair [ naming dream ]

...until I have braided my hair, and tied it up again... - The Goose Girl

NOTES :: We've been trying for Cinder's Light and Pretender for years, and then Arashi actually RLC'd them for these beautiful kids! QAQ<3

Sing Sweet Nightingale

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 7:11 pm
by Jun
SING SWEET NIGHTINGALE [ Nightingale ] :: 04.05.2021 [ buck ]

But he's not a princess! He just sings with the birds, and talks with the mice, and dreams that, someday, his prince will come…

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Cinder's Light x Prentender [ Will o' Wisp :: Shadow's Bane | Flaxfair - Fairest Gift | Second Sister | Sing Sweet Nightingale ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Pale Rook | Spurn | Evenstar | Living Lies | My Ideals ]
[ Dark Rook - Goldeneye | Worth the Waking | Mallard | Snowy Egret ]

RP LOGS :: Sing Sweet Nightingale [ naming dream ]


WISH [ 18.02.2023 ]
A dream...

DREAM [ 21.03.2023 ] a wish your heart makes.

...high above, oh, sing sweet nightingale, high... - Sing, Sweet Nightingale

NOTES :: We've been trying for Cinder's Light and Pretender for years, and then Arashi actually RLC'd them for these beautiful kids! QAQ<3
PETS :: Grey domestic from July Discord game 2022. Just the right mouse for Nightingale... | February 2023 CC roll.

Little Trouble

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 7:13 pm
by Jun
LITTLE TROUBLE [ Vexing ] :: 07.05.2021 [ doe ]

Little Trouble looks just like her Kimeti grandmother, My Trouble. But where My Trouble is Vexed, Little Trouble is Vexing. Sometimes she is a little trouble, sometimes she is a lot.

Shallow End – Igor where were you when the brains were passed out

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Wrap You in Stories x Shallows [ Tales from the Deep :: Air | Little Trouble | Shallow End ]

RP LOGS :: Little Trouble [ naming dream ]

...-... - ...

NOTES :: CC pick.


Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 7:17 pm
by Jun
SLOE-EYED [ Sloe ] :: 11.05.2021 [ doe ]

Eyes to die in, but she'll keep you alive.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Nightingale's Eyes x Scar Tissue [ Scarred Nightingale 3 :: Once We Were | Lion's Glory | Sloe-eyed | Fury ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Tender Skin | Raven's Lies | Milkmoon | Dustwing ]
[ Crow's Guise | Ghost Heart | Unmade | Warm Body | Weeping Dove ]
[ Passing | Grieving | Graceless | Oathbreaker ]
[ Recluse | Dry-eyed | Lonely ]

RP LOGS :: Sloe-eyed [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: We just really love getting Scarred Nightingale kids. QAQ CC pick!


Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 7:19 pm
by Jun
FURY :: 11.05.2021 [ buck ]

Tearing beak and striking talons, but he is not a monster; forgive his shattered wings.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Nightingale's Eyes x Scar Tissue [ Scarred Nightingale 3 :: Once We Were | Lion's Glory | Sloe-eyed | Fury ]

Offspring ::
x Artful [ Artfully Furious :: Rabble | Untrue | Clean ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Tender Skin | Raven's Lies | Milkmoon | Dustwing ]
[ Crow's Guise | Ghost Heart | Unmade | Warm Body | Weeping Dove ]
[ Passing | Grieving | Graceless | Oathbreaker ]
[ Recluse | Dry-eyed | Lonely ]

RP LOGS :: Fury [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: We just really love getting Scarred Nightingale kids. QAQ CC pick!

Dark Side of the Moon

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 7:13 pm
by Jun
DARK SIDE OF THE MOON [ Darkmoon ] :: 26.05.2021 [ doe ]

There is no dark side in the moon really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Believe x ?? [ Mysterious Belief :: Dark Side of the Moon | Crumbling Land | Don't Stop Believing | Always with Me ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Ace | Clash | Idol ]

RP LOGS :: Dark Side of the Moon [ naming dream ]

...but the sun is eclipsed by the moon... - Eclipse

NOTES :: Frosty remembered how much I love her rockstar girl Believe all these years and gave me one of her amazing mystery babies! QAQ<3


Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 1:37 pm
by Jun
MOTHBITE :: 21.07.2021 [ doe ]

Here and gone, like the flutter of wings; she eats at you.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Weal x Throat [ Cutthroat (Mock) :: Foul | Maw | Mothbite ]

RP LOGS :: Mothbite [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: Maxx and I were daydreaming about pairs we'd love Ryuu to do, and Ryuu said yes to doing this as a birthday surprise for Maxx!

Bless You

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:00 pm
by Jun
BLESS YOU :: 01.08.2021 [ doe ]

Somewhere in the marshy Swamp, there is a wide clump of land broken up by gentle channels, where a small group of round and genial kin peacefully bounce about their quiet abode of orderly foliage and grassy knolls.

This is Boring Island, and Bless You and Curse You are the matriarchs who oversee it.

Oddly, they are not especially boring. In fact, they are quite irritating: Bless You for her pansophical sanguinity, and Curse You for (what else) devilry. It seems they love nothing more than irritating each other - except for irritating you.

Curse You – They bicker like an old married couple. Because they are.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]

Offspring ::
x Curse You [ No U (Mock) :: Pouring | Drops | Dollop | Jiggle ]

RP LOGS :: Bless You [ naming dream ]


KITTY [ 13.03.2022 ]
The sweetest (skitteriest) little (quite huge actually) thing, a real (not really) pussy-cat. Kitty really belongs to both of them, but it does favour Bless You by an observable margin.

...-... - …

NOTES :: Maxx has been threatening Ragnarok Online's Poring Island for Maxx Day Month ever since he made edited colourist - and this year he finally did it. He also did us two alts as a surprise (I mean obviously not for him), but uh. I always said I wanted Pouring, but he did Deviling for himself and wanted to match mine as Archangeling, so he smushed the two together for Archangepouring. <_>

PETS :: I was lucky enough to get rolled for my first pick of poring-spiders in the The Guild's Questing Booth for Winter Market 2021, and picked Maxx's favourite Poporing. I offered it to him for Curse You, but he wouldn't take it, so she'll just have to share it with Bless You.

Soundless Sea

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:33 pm
by Jun
SOUNDLESS SEA :: 05.08.2021 [ buck ]

A beautiful abyssal mermaid; he glides like a jellyfish, impertubable as the deep. He hardly speaks - but just because he likes to live up to his name. He does sing, and his voice is smooth and soothing as the slow waves undersea.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Sleeps Beneath x Distant Thunder [ Thunder from Down Under :: Song Below Water | Soundless Sea | Thunderous Stride | Spilt Sea ]

RP LOGS :: Soundless Sea [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: Ruri gave me a beautiful bby from the plotty Sleeps Beneath & Thunder breeding she's been putting tirelessly into CC for years - that finally got rolled!


Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:30 pm
by Jun
SUNDROP :: 20.08.2021 [ doe ]

Cheerful and bright like a pure drop of sun! Definitely not irritating or gratingly peppy or possibly maliciously devious deep inside I mean what - no sirree! Just a happy lil sundrop. c:

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Perfect Vision x Cloudy Brow [ Perfect Vision :: Skylark | Swallowed Sight | Sundrop ]

RP LOGS :: Sundrop [ naming dream ]

...-... - ...

NOTES :: June 2021 CC roll.


Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 9:11 pm
by Jun
MOONLESS :: 03.09.2021 [ buck ]

Patient, and grave, and full of secrets. Never forget that he is the firstborn.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Snow Glass Apples x Trauma [ Asphyxiation :: Moonless - Darkling | Spun Skin | Closure | Murder ]

RP LOGS :: Moonless [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: Ruri RLC'd these beautiful fairytale bbys for my birfday! QAQ<3